Earrings have been worn by men and women for thousands of years in many different cultures. In ancient times, earrings were often worn as a sign of wealth, power, and status. They were made from precious metals and adorned with colorful stones and jewels. Earrings were also thought to confer protection and ward off evil. In the Middle Ages, earrings were popular among both men and women, although they were more often worn by women. In the 16th century, earrings made of gold and silver were popular among the upper classes. In the 19th century, earrings were seen as more of a fashion statement and were made from a variety of materials, including glass, plastic, and brass. During this period, women began to wear long dangling earrings. Today, earrings come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. They can be made from gold, silver, diamonds, and other precious gems. Earrings are now seen as a fashion accessory and are worn by both men and women.